[Tex/LaTex] Span TikZ Picture Across Two Columns


I'm restricted to writing a paper with\documentclass[twocolumn,11pt]{article}, but I want to create a tikzpicture that spans across both of the columns, filling the width of the page. I have tried placing it in a figure and using figure*, and other figure options, but none of that works.

The code for my tikzpicture is here.

\definecolor {processblue}{cmyk}{0.96,0,0,0}
\begin {center}
\begin {tikzpicture}[-latex ,auto ,node distance =1.8cm and 1.5cm ,on grid ,
semithick ,
state/.style ={ circle ,top color =white , bottom color = processblue!20 ,
draw,processblue , text=blue , minimum width =1 cm}]
\node[state] (S) {$S$};
\node[state] (W) [above right =of S] {$W$};
\node[state] (X) [right =of W] {$X$};
\node[state] (Y) [right =of X] {$Y$};
\node[state] (Z) [right =of Y] {$Z$};
\node[state] (D) [below right =of Z] {$D$};
\path (S) edge [bend left =0] node[above left = .3 cm] {$R_{sw}$} (W);
\path (W) edge  [bend right =0](S);
\path (W) edge [bend left =0] node[above = .3 cm] {$R_{wx}$}(X);
\path (X) edge [bend right =0](W);
\path (X) edge [bend left =0] node[above = .3 cm] {$R_{xy}$}(Y);
\path (Y) edge [bend right =0](X);
\path (Y) edge [bend left =0] node[above = .3 cm] {$R_{yz}$}(Z);
\path (Z) edge [bend right =0](Y);
\path (Z) edge [bend left =0] node[above right = .3 cm] {$R_{zd}$}(D);
\path (D) edge [bend right =0](Z);
{\tiny }\end{tikzpicture}

Best Answer

This is a way to span the tikzpicture across two column. adjustbox package is used where the width is set to \linewidth for the span. width=\columnwidth would back to regular result.

enter image description here


\definecolor {processblue}{cmyk}{0.96,0,0,0}
\begin {figure*}%[!hbtp]
\begin {tikzpicture}[-latex ,auto,node distance =1.8cm and 1.5cm ,on grid,semithick,
state/.style ={ circle ,top color =white , bottom color = processblue!20,
draw,processblue , text=blue , minimum width =1 cm}]
\node[state] (S) {$S$};
\node[state] (W) [above right =of S] {$W$};
\node[state] (X) [right =of W] {$X$};
\node[state] (Y) [right =of X] {$Y$};
\node[state] (Z) [right =of Y] {$Z$};
\node[state] (D) [below right =of Z] {$D$};
\path (S) edge [bend left =0] node[above left = .3 cm] {$R_{sw}$} (W);
\path (W) edge  [bend right =0](S);
\path (W) edge [bend left =0] node[above = .3 cm] {$R_{wx}$}(X);
\path (X) edge [bend right =0](W);
\path (X) edge [bend left =0] node[above = .3 cm] {$R_{xy}$}(Y);
\path (Y) edge [bend right =0](X);
\path (Y) edge [bend left =0] node[above = .3 cm] {$R_{yz}$}(Z);
\path (Z) edge [bend right =0](Y);
\path (Z) edge [bend left =0] node[above right = .3 cm] {$R_{zd}$}(D);
\path (D) edge [bend right =0](Z);
{\tiny }