[Tex/LaTex] Smart Art diagram in Tikz


I was trying the following code from the smartdiagram package, but I can't see the same result as in the manual.

My code is


uniform color list=gray!60!black for 3 items,
back arrow disabled=true,
additional item offset=0.85cm,
additional item border color=red,
additional connections disabled=false,
additional arrow color=red,
additional arrow tip=stealth,
additional arrow line width=1pt,
additional arrow style=]-latex’,
\smartdiagramadd[flow diagram:horizontal]{%
below of module1/Low Level, below of module3/High level%

Best Answer

From this post here it says (for a different question on a different package): "You need the arrows library (not explicitly mentioning all the libraries needed for the examples is very common in the manual)". So make the change Torbjorn T. mentions and add in the library and everything works for me. Try this code:

uniform color list=gray!60!black for 3 items,
back arrow disabled=true,
additional item offset=0.85cm,
additional item border color=red,
additional connections disabled=false,
additional arrow color=red,
additional arrow tip=stealth,
additional arrow line width=1pt,
additional arrow style=]-latex'
\smartdiagramadd[flow diagram:horizontal]{%
below of module1/Low Level, below of module3/High level%