[Tex/LaTex] Smart Art flow diagram


How to make a horizontal flow diagram in latex like:

enter image description here

If posible i would like some colors in it.

Thank you

Best Answer

Something like this:

enter image description here



    > = {Latex[]},
    start chain = going right,
    node distance=7mm,
    block/.style={shape=rectangle, draw,
                  inner sep=1mm, align=center,
                  minimum height=7mm, 
                  join=by ->, on chain}]
%placing the blocks
\node[block] (n1) {Hydraulikstation};
\node[block] (n2) {Kontraventil};
\node[block] (n3) {Cointainer};
\node[block] (n4) {Oliefilter};
\node[block] (n5) {Proportional ventil};
\draw[->] (n5.south) --  + (0,-7mm) -| (n1.south);

Put any colour as you like:


    > = {Latex[]},
    start chain = going right,
    node distance=5mm,
    block/.style={shape=rectangle, draw,top color=olive,bottom color=magenta,
                  inner sep=1mm, align=center,
                  minimum height=3em, 
                  join=by ->, on chain}]

   \node[block] (n1) {Hydraulikstation};
   \node[block] (n2) {Kontraventil};
   \node[block] (n3) {Container};
   \node[block] (n4) {Oliefilter};
   \node[block] (n5) {Proportinalventil};
   \draw[->] (n5.south) -- ++(0,-4mm) -| (n1.south);

enter image description here

Edit: After reading of other (very nice and interesting answers) I recognize, that the coloring is one of wishes in questions ... :-). How to do this, I explained in other answers as well showed in Harish Kumar (thank youu!) hijack of this one. So I will add an example with shadows. In it I also slightly change TikZ (pre)settings: now the style of joins are defined separately, what enable more freedom in their design.

enter image description here

                > = {Triangle[]},
      start chain = going right,
    node distance = 7mm,
every join/.style = {->, very thick, gray},
    block/.style={shape=rectangle, draw,
                  inner sep=1mm, align=center,
                  minimum height=7mm, 
                  fill=white, drop shadow,
                  join, on chain}]
%placing the blocks
\node[block] (n1) {Hydraulikstation};
\node[block] (n2) {Kontraventil};
\node[block] (n3) {Cointainer};
\node[block] (n4) {Oliefilter};
\node[block] (n5) {Proportional ventil};
\draw[every join] (n5.south) --  + (0,-7mm) -| (n1.south);