[Tex/LaTex] siunitx – Decimal points not present


Trying to use siunitx to make my columns look all nice and so such. However, The decimal points are absent…





    % \sisetup{group-digits=false,input-symbols={\%}}

\usepackage{fancyhdr} % This should be set AFTER setting up the page geometry
\pagestyle{fancy} % options: empty , plain , fancy
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % customise the layout...


\section*{Figures and Tables}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=2.142857142857143cm,y=2.142857142857143cm]
    \draw[-,color=black] (0,0) -- (3.5,0);
    \foreach \x in {,1,2,3}
    \draw[shift={(\x,0)},color=black] (0pt,2pt) -- (0pt,-2pt) node[below] {\footnotesize $\x$};
    \draw[-,color=black] (0,0) -- (0,3.5);
    \foreach \y in {,1,2,3}
    \draw[shift={(0,\y)},color=black] (2pt,0pt) -- (-2pt,0pt) node[left] {\footnotesize $\y$};
    \draw[color=black] (0pt,-10pt) node[right] {\footnotesize $0$};
    \clip(0,0) rectangle (3.5,3.5);
    \draw [shift={(0,0)}] plot[domain=-1.57:1.57,variable=\t]({1*3*cos(\t r)+0*3*sin(\t r)},{0*3*cos(\t r)+1*3*sin(\t r)});
    \draw [shift={(0,0)}] plot[domain=-1.57:1.57,variable=\t]({1*2*cos(\t r)+0*2*sin(\t r)},{0*2*cos(\t r)+1*2*sin(\t r)});
    \draw [shift={(0,0)}] plot[domain=-1.57:1.57,variable=\t]({1*1*cos(\t r)+0*1*sin(\t r)},{0*1*cos(\t r)+1*1*sin(\t r)});
    \draw [dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt] (0,2)-- (2.24,2);
    \draw [dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt] (0,1)-- (2.83,1);
    \draw[color=black] (3.11,1.25) node {Best Site};
    \draw[color=black] (1.26,0.64) node {Worst Site};
    \caption{A graph of an ideal free distribution}

\caption{A table}
\begin{tabular}{rSSSSS} \toprule
    Amount food in area A:              & {0\%} & {25\%} & {50\%} & {75\%} & {100\%} \\ \midrule
    \multirow{12}{*}{\parbox{7em}{\% Collembolans \\ in area A:}}    & 3.16 & 64.5 & 82.73 & 79 & 90.48 \\
                                        & 1.05 & 64.5 & 80.91 & 74 & 90.48 \\
                                        & 1.05 & 64.5 & 77.27 & 67 & 84.76 \\
                                        & 4 & 8 & 76.36 & 83 & 100 \\
                                        & 3.63 & 5.5 & 71 & 81 & 94 \\
                                        & 2 & 5 & 69 & 80 & 94 \\
                                        & 2 & 5 & 68 & 65 & 84.98 \\
                                        & 0.91 & 4.5 & 15 & 65 & 83.3 \\
                                        & 0 & 4.5    & 10 & 65 & 81.62 \\
                                        & 0 & ~ & 6 & ~ \\
                                        & 0 & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ \\
                                        & 0 & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ \\ \midrule
            Average:                    & {89\%} & {73\%} & {56\%} & {25\%} & {1\%}



Bonus points if you can tell me how to fix:

  • Why when I put the above in a \begin{table} it disappears
  • How I can split the multirow into 2 lines rather than stretching it out

Best Answer

You probably want S columns. To load the package, use \usepackage{siunitx}, not the mix of lower and upper case you used. One way of splitting the multirow in 2 lines is to use a \parbox.


\caption{A table}
\begin{tabular}{rSSSSS} \toprule
    Amount food in area A:  & {0\%} & {25\%} & {50\%} & {75\%} & {100\%} \\ \midrule
    \multirow{12}{*}{\parbox{7em}{\% Collembolans \\ in area A:}}
             & 3.16 & 64.5 & 82.73 & 79 & 90.48 \\
             & 1.05 & 64.5 & 80.91 & 74 & 90.48 \\
             & 1.05 & 64.5 & 77.27 & 67 & 84.76 \\
             & 4 & 8 & 76.36 & 83 & 100 \\
             & 3.63 & 5.5 & 71 & 81 & 94 \\
             & 2 & 5 & 69 & 80 & 94 \\
             & 2 & 5 & 68 & 65 & 84.98 \\
             & 0.91 & 4.5 & 15 & 65 & 83.3 \\
             & 0 & 4.5    & 10 & 65 & 81.62 \\
             & 0 & ~ & 6 & ~ \\
             & 0 & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ \\
             & 0 & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ \\ \midrule
    Average: & {89\%} & {73\%} & {56\%} & {25\%} & {1\%}

enter image description here

The reason tables and figures disappear, is the body environment from the science package. This is defined as


so it's basically a multicols environment with some space above it. Floats are not allowed in multicols. You could replace the figure/table environment with the center environment, load the caption package, and use \captionof{figure}{A figure} (replace figure with table for a table caption). However, your table is really too wide for a single column, so either use the table* environment which spans both columns, or make the table narrower, e.g. with Alan Munns suggestion.

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