[Tex/LaTex] Shading a bell shaped curve in TikZ


I have the following code:





\fill [fill=orange!60] (2.0,0)--(2.0,2.5) plot[domain=2:4](\normalt) --(4,0)-- (4,2.5)-- cycle;

\draw[color=black,domain=0:6] plot (\normalt) node[right] {};

\node[below] at (3.0,0) {\tiny{51800}};
\draw[dashed] (2.0,2.5) -- (2.0 ,0) node[below] {\tiny{51300}};
\draw[dashed] (4.0,2.5) -- (4.0 ,0) node[below] {\tiny{52300}};

\draw[dashed] ({\y},{\fy}) -- ({\y},0) node[below] {$y$};
\draw[color=black,domain=0:6] plot[samples=1000] (\normalt) node[right] {};

\draw[->] (-3,0) -- (9,0) node[right] {$\overline{x}$};


I want to shade the area between the dotted lines as shown below, but I am stuck. Can somebody help me?
Note: My problem is here

\fill [fill=orange!60] (2.0,0)--(2.0,2.5) plot[domain=2:4](\normalt) --(4,0)-- (4,2.5)-- cycle;

within the code. I am not very well familiar with \fill command.

enter image description here

Best Answer


\node[below] at (3.0,0) {\tiny{51800}};

\path[domain=0:6,name path = plot] plot (\normalt);
\path[name path= r] (4.0,0) --+ (0,2.75);
\path[name intersections={of=r and plot}];                         
\coordinate(R) at (intersection-1);

\fill [fill=orange!60]plot[domain=2:4](\normalt)-- cycle;
\fill [fill=orange!60](2,0)rectangle(R);

\draw[dashed] (2.0,0) node[below] {\tiny{51300}} --+ (0,2.75);
\draw[dashed,name path= r] (4.0,0) node[below] {\tiny{52300}} --+ (0,2.75);

\node at ({\y},-0.5) {$y$};
\draw[color=black,domain=0:6] plot[samples=1000] (\normalt) node[right] {};
\draw[->] (-3,0) -- (9,0) node[right] {$\overline{x}$};

Maybe try this one - i've calculated the intersection of the right line with the plot and then filled a rectangle from the starting point of the left line to the intersection. Also filled the plot between 2 and 4.

Also changed the "y"-node so it does not interfere with the "51300" and made some other minor adjustments.

enter image description here

Here's an easier solution - looks the same as the one above:


\fill [fill=orange!60](2,0)--plot[domain=2:4](\normalt)--(4.0,0)-- cycle;

\draw[dashed] (2.0,0) node[below] {\tiny{51300}} --+ (0,2.75);
\node[below] at (3.0,0) {\tiny{51800}};
\draw[dashed] (4.0,0) node[below] {\tiny{52300}} --+ (0,2.75);

\draw[color=black,domain=0:6] plot[samples=1000] (\normalt) node[right] {};

\node at ({\y},-0.5) {$y$};
\draw[->] (-3,0) -- (9,0) node[right] {$\overline{x}$};