[Tex/LaTex] Setting TEXINPUTS in TeXstudio Mac OS X


I am a newbie using TeXStudio – and trying to set TEXINPUTS so that LaTeX can recursively search for my figures. I've run


at the command line, and then run LaTeX, which worked fine. However, when I try this in TexStudio, it bombs. It looks like setting TEXINPUTS at the command line is not good for TeXStudio. I looked through the TeXStudio documentation, but I can't seem to find how to do this. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

OK, here is what worked. I am using OS X 10.7.5 (Lion). Apparently, launchctl adds the environment variables without having to log out

launchctl setenv TEXINPUTS :FIGURES//:

To load this on startup create a .launchd.conf file with