[Tex/LaTex] Setting background colour with tikzposter


I'm using tikzposter for the first time. Looking at the documentation (http://ctan.mirrors.hoobly.com/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikzposter/tikzposter.pdf), it seems it should be simple to set the background colour for the poster with \colorlet{backgroundcolor}{white}. However, it stays the same colour as the chosen theme (whereas the other settings all work fine). I guess there's some clash but I can't figure out what it is…

This is my code

\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, portrait]{tikzposter}

\title{Tikz Poster Example}
\author{ShareLaTeX Team}
\institute{ShareLaTeX Institute}

       \normalsize \text{university}\\
       \normalsize \text{text}\\
        {\bfseries \Huge \sc \@title \par}
        {\huge \@author \par}
        {\LARGE \@institute}






\block{More text}{Text and more text}

\block{Something else}{Here, \blindtext \vspace{4cm}}
    {e-mail \texttt{sharelatex@sharelatex.com}}

    \block{A figure}
    \block{Description of the figure}{\blindtext}


Best Answer

You need to define \colorlet{backgroundcolor}{white} before \begin{document}. I think the background is drawn at \begin{document}, so redefining the backgroundcolor after \begin{document} has no effect, because the background is already created.


\colorlet{backgroundcolor}{white} % before \begin{document}


enter image description here