[Tex/LaTex] Set origin of y axis to 1


How to set the origin of y axis to 1?

Minimal example:


            ,axis x line=bottom
            ,axis y line=left
            ,scaled x ticks=base 10:-3
            \addplot[very thick] coordinates {(755,1.4) (1978, 1.6) (6273, 1.8) (12222, 2.1)};
            \addplot[very thick, color=blue] coordinates {(6273, 0.2) (12222, 1.2)};
\caption{Speedup of distributed execution, versus serial. N is the leading dimension of the matrix. The black plot is for the case of one computer, while the blue one is for two computers.}

As we see in figure \ref{plot:speedup} ...



ymin=1 will set the axis to 1, but the value below 1 won't be displayed! ymin=1000 hides all the values!

Best Answer

Is this what you want?

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex

\pgfplotsset{compat=1.9} % update to 1.12 if possible!
    axis line origin/.style args={#1,#2}{
        x filter/.append code={ % Check for empty or filtered out numbers
        y filter/.append code={

        ,axis x line=middle
        ,axis y line=left
        ,axis line origin={0,1}
        ,scaled x ticks=base 10:-3
        \addplot[very thick] coordinates {(755,1.4) (1978, 1.6) (6273, 1.8) (12222, 2.1)};
        \addplot[very thick, color=blue] coordinates {(6273, 0.2) (12222, 1.2)};
        \caption[Speedup of distributed execution, versus serial]{Speedup of distributed execution, versus serial. N is the leading dimension of the matrix. The black plot is for the case of one computer, while the blue one is for two computers.}

    As we see in figure \ref{plot:speedup} ...  

enter image description here