[Tex/LaTex] Section heading with quotes and brackets


I am writing the appendix for my thesis in which I am briefly reviewing some reference publications. I would ideally want to name the sections after the publications with the author list captured within brackets, followed by the year of publication. This is recommended for ease of browsing. For instance

\section{Review of "Some Publication Title" \[authored by Tom, Dick and Harry\] Published in 2000}

I am not able to get past the compilation if I use the above format, as I get the following error:

! Undefined control sequence.

Can anyone point me to the correct way of formatting this section heading? I have not provided a MWE in this case, as I believe that this question is quite generic.




MWE follows

\usepackage{fancyhdr}           % heading format
\hypersetup{setpagesize=false, a4paper=true, colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, urlcolor=blue,citecolor=black}
\usepackage{harvard}            % referencing format. Use with \bibliographystyle{agsm}
\usepackage{graphicx}           % including eps or pdf graphics
\usepackage{url}                % format web, email, and file names
\usepackage{caption}            % figure captions

\setlength{\floatsep}{2pt plus 2pt minus 5pt}
\setlength{\textfloatsep}{5pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}
\setlength{\intextsep}{5pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}

\graphicspath{ {./images/} }

% some options which should be set up for the caption package
\captionsetup{margin=2ex, font=small, labelsep=colon, aboveskip=2mm, belowskip=2mm}


\chapter{Publication Review} \label{chap:appendb}
\section{Source "Publication Title" (authored by Tom, Dick and Harry) Published in 2000}

Best Answer

This works without much ado.

Typesetting square brackets can be done with [ and ] without any further requirements. \[ and \] are used for the display math environment, which was formerly written $$...$$ (being deprecated now!)

Does it look nice? No!


%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} not really needed

\section[Some Publication Title]{Review of "Some Publication Title" [authored by Tom, Dick and Harry] Published in 2000}


enter image description here


Since the OP provided an MWE, the error seems to be the quotes package. It should be replaced with csquotes.

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