[Tex/LaTex] Reduce gap between section and subsection heading


With the code below, I have a very large space between the section 1 heading and subsection 1.1 heading. I've tried to change the \titlespacing options but I still can't reduce this large space.

What adjustments can I make to my code?





\XeTeXinputencoding iso-8859-1









\textcolor{verydarkblue}{\section*{\textbf{\textsc{{section 0}}}}}

\textcolor{verydarkblue}{\section{\textbf{\textsc{{section 1}}}}}
\textcolor{verydarkblue}{\subsection{\textit{subsection 1.1}}}


Best Answer

You should use the features of titlesec for setting color and font of titles.




\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Heros}% I don't own Calibri




\section*{section 0}

\section{section 1}
\subsection{subsection 1.1}


enter image description here

Don't load xunicode and xltxtra; avoid using \XeTeXinputencoding for new documents: save them as UTF-8.

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