[Tex/LaTex] Searching for up and down arrow symbol (⇅)


Whats the command for this symbol: ⇅

I've found ⇈ \upuparrows but I can't find the other one.

Best Answer

The package mathabx provides all arrows of this kind. The one you're looking for is \updownarrows.




$\upuparrows$ -  $\downdownarrows$ - $\updownarrows$ - $\downuparrows$


enter image description here

For such questions, a good place to look at is the comprehensive LaTeX symbols list.

Note that mathabx redefines many symbols. An alternative is the following code, which produces updownarrows in a pure-latex fashion, but as you can see, the result is still not fully identical to amssymb's \upuparrows.





$\upuparrows$ -  $\downdownarrows$ - $\updownarrows$ - $\downuparrows$


enter image description here

A possible solution would be to redefine \upuparrows and \downdownarrows as well :





$\upuparrows$ -  $\downdownarrows$ - $\updownarrows$ - $\downuparrows$


enter image description here

In comments, egreg proposed the following answer, for the same result (well, not technically the same), but with a cleaner code. It will probably give better spacing results if used within longer formulas :





$\upuparrows$ -  $\downdownarrows$ - $\updownarrows$ - $\downuparrows$


tex output