[Tex/LaTex] revtex4-1.cls not found in miktex2.9 in Windows 7

compilation errormiktex2.9revtextexstudio

I have installed Miktex latest version today in a newly formatted Windows 7. Then tried to run a .tex file in Texstudio. That file starts with:

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}  %Input what you want e.g., é, ł, a, ü
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}     %Output what you want e.g., é, ł, a, ü
\usepackage[british]{babel}  %Do hyphenation according to british english
\usepackage[sc,osf]{mathpazo}\linespread{1.05}  %Palatino font
\usepackage[scaled=0.86]{berasans}  % URL font that go well wtih palatino
%\usepackage[scaled=1.03]{inconsolata} %Monospace font
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, citecolor=blue, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}  %Hyperlinks (pink, green, blue)
\usepackage{graphicx} % Package to insert exteral figures
\usepackage[babel]{microtype}  %Improves text justification
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm,bm,amsfonts,mathrsfs,bbm} %Useful math packages
\usepackage{xspace}  %Useful to add space in macros

And then usual body follows. For your information, this file runs in other computers. But, in the above said pc it shows that revtex4-1.cls is not found.

I then tried to install revtex from Miktex console. It does not show any option.

enter image description here

I even started installing those packages shown in the image and then execute my .tex file. But again revtex4-1.cls is not found.

I searched here also, but have not found any such solution.

Kindly help.

Note: I am not used to with the cmd and other commands / shortforms, so kindly write in an explanatory mode please. Thanks in advance.

Solution / Partial Solution I just changed revtex4-1 to revtex4-2 in the documentclass command. And it runs. For details see the comments below, where daleif and UlrikeFischer solved it. Thanks to them.

Best Answer

MikTeX will not install things that are marked obsolete (https://ctan.org/pkg/revtex4-1?lang=en). revtex4-1 has been superseded by revtex4-2. So you should be able to just change




and it will work just fine.