[Tex/LaTex] Please update your system to include revtex4-1.cls


I am writing an article, references of which are to be written in AAS style. Now, when I added {aastex631} in the document class, it downloaded some class files. However, on compilation it showed the following the error-"Please update your system to include revtex4-1.cls" in both TeXworks and WinEdt 10.
Though I'm a newbie in LaTeX, I updated everything I could, from my system to MiKTex updates. On someone's advice, I even copied all the contents of REVTeX.zip in the local tree directory and in the folder containing tex file of the article. But the error is still there.

Best Answer

revtex4-1 is here https://ctan.org/pkg/revtex4-1, but you will have to unpack the dtx to get the cls.

You could instead try to substitute the class:



In any case write to the maintainer of the aastex631 class and ask them not to use an obsolete class.