[Tex/LaTex] RevTex 4-1 Cannot use footnotes


If I use \footnote{text} anywhere in a revtex document (4-1), the document will refuse to compile on an undefined argument error and cannot be made to compile even if you comment the footnote without deleting every file other than the .tex file and recompiling from scratch. What is going on?

It is something to do with an interaction between bibtex and revtex; if you remove the bibliography it compiles fine. In my short example it points to line 33, even though the example is only 26 lines long, so this number is meaningless.

Error: ! Undefined control sequence.<argument> $\DOTSI \intop \ilimits@ _{-\infty }^\infty e^{-\protect \mathac... determinant.}

\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}


\author{John doe}

stuff stuff stuff

where the integral \cite{pairwiseonly} is evaluated over all possible particle positions.\footnote{$\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-\vec{x}^T A \vec{x}+\vec{B}^T \vec{x}} d^nx= \sqrt{ \frac{(\pi)^n}{\det{A}} }e^{\frac{1}{4}\vec{B}^{T}A^{-1}\vec{B}}$. This can be verified by applying the unitary transform $a^\dagger a = 1$, where this diagonalizes A, and then performing the integral in eigenspace. Such a transformation does not change the determinant.}



Best Answer

Use [nofootinbib] option: \documentclass[nofootinbib,12pt,preprint,longbibliography,aps,prl]{revtex4-1}

This puts the footnote at the bottom of the page.

Thanks @egreg. I had the same problem and \protect\int removed the error