[Tex/LaTex] Resize Greek letter in an equation


Is there a way to resize Greek letters if they are in an equation?

This is the code of the equation (for example):


I would like to make only the \epsilon and the \delta larger.

Best Answer

You can use \mathlarger from the relsize package, but as Heiko has mentioned in his answer, it looks quite odd:




  G_{\mathds{1}\sigma} = \mathlarger\epsilon(\sigma)\mathlarger\delta_{\mathds{1}}, \enskip
  \pi_{\ell}\sigma = 1
  \qquad \Longrightarrow \qquad
  \mathlarger\epsilon\sigma = 1, \enskip
  \pi(\sigma) = \mathds{1}



It you want \epsilon and \delta to be larger throughout the entire document and don't have to use them for other stuff in the document, you can use the following:





  G_{\mathds{1}\sigma} = \epsilon(\sigma)\delta_{\mathds{1}}, \enskip
  \pi_{\ell}\sigma = 1
  \qquad \Longrightarrow \qquad
  \epsilon\sigma = 1, \enskip
  \pi(\sigma) = \mathds{1}
