[Tex/LaTex] Reset custom counter in new frame


I'm using a custom counter to cycle bullet point colours in beamer:


\newcounter{myc}%[frame] <--if I uncomment [frame] it won't compile
        \newitem An item
        \newitem Another item
        \newitem Yet another item
        \newitem These items...
        \newitem ...are rather boring

        \newitem An item on a second slide
        \newitem Another item
        \newitem Yet another item
        \newitem These items...
        \newitem ...are rather boring

with the following result (2 slides combined in to 1 image)
example, non resetting

However I would like the colours to reset at the start of a new frame, without having to insert \setcounter{myc}{0} after each \begin{frame} Based on this answer I thought I might be able to use \newcounter{myc}[frame], but I can't: ! LaTeX Error: No counter 'frame' defined.

So how do I reset a counter per frame?

Best Answer

You were near: the counter is called framenumber. There's an easier way to branch for numeric cases.


    % no value for 0

        \newitem An item
        \newitem Another item
        \newitem Yet another item
        \newitem These items...
        \newitem ...are rather boring

        \newitem An item on a second slide
        \newitem Another item
        \newitem Yet another item
        \newitem These items...
        \newitem ...are rather boring

An easier way for extending the number of colors is using xparse; you just call \assigncolors{red,green,blue} or with any other list. You can issue this command any times you want during the document, but it's better to do it outside frames, to avoid multiple evaluations.




  \chris_assign_colors:n { #1 }

\seq_new:N \g_chris_colors_seq
\int_new:N \l_chris_color_int
\cs_new_protected:Npn \chris_assign_colors:n #1
  \seq_gset_from_clist:Nn \g_chris_colors_seq { #1 }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \chris_newitem:
  \int_set:Nn \l_chris_color_int
    \int_mod:nn { \value{myc} } { \seq_count:N \g_chris_colors_seq }
  \int_compare:nT {\l_chris_color_int = 0 }
    \int_set:Nn \l_chris_color_int { \seq_count:N \g_chris_colors_seq }
    \seq_item:Nn \g_chris_colors_seq { \l_chris_color_int }
\cs_new:Npn \chris_do_item:n #1
  \item[ \textcolor { #1 }{ \Laserbeam } ]


        \newitem An item
        \newitem Another item
        \newitem Yet another item
        \newitem These items...
        \newitem ...are rather boring

        \newitem An item on a second slide
        \newitem Another item
        \newitem Yet another item
        \newitem These items...
        \newitem ...are rather boring