[Tex/LaTex] Removing vertical lines in tables


I have the following table.

enter image description here

  1. How can I remove extra falling lines?
  2. How can I make a double line between R43 and R44?

Here is my MWE.




    % after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ...
    \textbf{C1} & \textbf{C2} & \textbf{C3} & \textbf{C4} & \textbf{C5} \\ \hline
    R11 & R21 & R31 & R41 & R51 \\
    R12 & R22 & R32 & R42 & R52 \\ \cline{1-1}
    R13 & R23 & R33 & R43 & R53 \\  \cline{4-4}
    R14 & R24 & R34 & R44 & R54 \\ \cline{1-3}  \cline{5-5}
    ~ & R25 & R35 & R56 & R55 \\ \cline{4-4}
    ~ & R26 & R36 & ~ & R56 \\
    ~ & R27 & R37 & ~ & R57 \\
    ~ & R28 & R38 & ~ & R58 \\ \cline{2-3} \cline{5-5}
    ~ & R29 & ~ & ~ & R59 \\
    ~ & R210 & ~ & ~ & R510 \\ \cline{2-2} \cline{5-5}
    ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & R511 \\
    ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & R512 \\
    ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & R513 \\ \cline{5-5}
  \caption{Unusual Table}


Best Answer

Like this:

enter image description here



    % after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ...
    \textbf{C1} & \textbf{C2} & \textbf{C3} & \textbf{C4} & \textbf{C5} \\ \hline
R11     & R21 & R31 & R41   & R51 \\
R12     & R22 & R32 & R42   & R52 \\    \cline{1-1}
R13     & R23 & R33 & R43   & R53 \\    \hhline{|~|~|~|=|~|} %\cline{4-4}
R14     & R24 & R34 & R44   & R54 \\    \cline{1-3} \cline{5-5}
\mc     & R25 & R35 & R56   & R55 \\    \cline{4-4} 
\mc     & R26 & R36 & \mc   & R56 \\
\mc     & R27 & R37 & \mc   & R57 \\
\mc     & R28 & R38 & \mc   & R58 \\ \cline{2-3} \cline{5-5}
\mc     & R29 &  \mcc       & R59 \\
\mc     & R210 & \mcc       & R510 \\ \cline{2-2} \cline{5-5}
\mcccc                      & R512 \\
\mcccc                      & R513 \\ \cline{5-5}
\caption{Unusual Table}