[Tex/LaTex] Bold horizontal and vertical lines in tables


I want to be able to make certain horizontal lines and certain vertical lines bold in my table but not all.

$x$&100&10 000&$1$x$10^5$&$1$x$10^6$&$1$x$10^7$&$1$x$10^9$\\

I am looking for a box border, center line not bold. First 3 vertical lines and last to be bold.

Thanks for the help

Best Answer

You can also have the border thicker if you supress the outer vlines and hlines, and replace them with an \fbox with no fboxsep. I added the vertical alignment of numbers in scientific notation thanks to the numprint package and its n/N column types, some more vertical spacing in cells with the cellspace package — and some colors…


\usepackage[autolanguage, np]{numprint}
\usepackage[svgnames, x11names, tables]{xcolor}


{\begin{tabular}{r!{\color{Salmon1}\vrule width1.2 pt}Sc|c|*{3}{n{1}{1}|}n{1}{1}}%{r@{\hskip\tabcolsep\vrule width1 pt\hskip\tabcolsep}Sl|c|c|c|c|c}%
$x$ & 100 & 10 000 &  \np{1e5} &  \np{1e6} &  \np{1e7} & \np{1e9}\\
$f(x)$ & 0,1  & 0,0001 &  \np{1e-5} & \np{1e-6} & \np{1e-7} & \np{1e-9}


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