[Tex/LaTex] Booktabs and longtable – strange spaces between lines


I needed to make some horizontal table lines bold so I used booktabs package. However if I use \toprule command to make line bold I get strange outcome – there are some spaces between bold line and vertical table lines (please take a look at screen )

code used to generate table looks this way

\caption{Wyniki rozpoznawania obrazów dla obrazu zapytania 022\_0007.jpg oraz kategorii $budda$}
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Obraz zapytanie}} & \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\textbf{Obraz przetwarzany}} & \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{\textbf{Wynik}} \\
\textbf{Nazwa} & \textbf{N} & \textbf{Katalog} & \textbf{Nazwa} & \textbf{N} & \textbf{ $J_{b}$} & \textbf{$J_{a}$} & \textbf{Czas[s]} & \textbf{Gęstość} \\ \hline

Is it possible to make horizontal lines bold ??

I decied to resign from booktabs and I used solution presented in here
LaTeX tables: How do I make thicker or thinner horizontal lines (typically \hline)? (pluton answer)
now I have a horizontal bold lines and I also managed to make vertical lines bold. The problem however is horizontal line length. My table's length is a bit bigger than length of page (from one margin to another) and I think it makes the horizontal lines look like that
enter image description here

Is it possible to somehow adjust this command

\noalign{\ifnum0=`}\fi\hrule \@height #1 %

so that it adjust length of the bolded line to the length of the table

Here is compilable code snipet



\usepackage[section] {placeins}
\noalign{\ifnum0=`}\fi\hrule \@height #1 %
\begin{longtable}{!{\vrule width 2pt} c!{\vrule width 2pt} c!{\vrule width 2pt} c!{\vrule width 2pt} c!{\vrule width 2pt} c!{\vrule width 2pt} c!{\vrule width 2pt} c!{\vrule width 2pt} c!{\vrule width 2pt} c!{\vrule width 2pt} }

\caption{something something somethingsomethingsomethingsomethingsomethingsomethingsomethingsomethingsomethingsomething}
\\ \hlinewd{2pt}
\multicolumn{2}{!{\vrule width 2pt}c!{\vrule width 2pt}}{\textbf{Query image }} & \multicolumn{3}{c!{\vrule width 2pt}}{\textbf{Processed image}} & \multicolumn{4}{c!{\vrule width 2pt}}{\textbf{Outcome}} \\ \hlinewd{2pt}

\textbf{Name} & \textbf{N} & \textbf{Directory} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{N} & \textbf{ $J_{b}$} & \textbf{$J_{a}$} & \textbf{time[s]} & \textbf{Density} \\ \hlinewd{2pt}
022\_0007.jpg   &   193 &   budda   &   22\_0007.jpg    &   193 &   25512.9 &   156.1   &   288.5   &   0.73    \\  \hline  

Best Answer

I think I finally found a solution for making booktabs and hrules work so that is why I make an answer to my own question I created my own command


and now everyting looks fine.