Natbib – Removing Parentheses from Date Only in Bibliography


I am using natbib with agsm style to achieve Harvard style referencing.

Is there any way to remove the parenthesis around the year in the references section (not the citations in the main text)? I tried dcu instead of agsm which sorts of achieves it but puts a colon instead, which I don't want either. Is there any bst that matches the style I am looking for (which seems to be the style lots of Universities require too). It is well described here too:

So in a nutshell I wish to achieve this:

Boughton, J.M., 2002. The Bretton Woods proposal: an indepth look. Political Science Quarterly, 42(6), pp.564-78.

Instead of this:

Boughton, J.M. (2002), The Bretton Woods proposal: an indepth look. Political Science Quarterly, 42(6), pp.564-78.


Best Answer

Put the following after having loaded natbib

\renewcommand\harvardyearleft{\unskip, }

The first usually inserts a (, while the second inserts a ). We redefine the former to backspace and insert a comma and a space, the latter to gobble the comma and insert the period.

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