[Tex/LaTex] Remove title and name from sidebar yet keep them in the bottom part of the presentation


I need to write a beamer presentation for my upcoming thesis defense and chose the Palo Alto style.

My problem with the Palo Alto style is, that my name and the title of the presentation should
not appear in the sidebar, yet appear in the footer of the presentation.

(Therefore short and long name/title don't work since providing an empty short name/title would also leave the footer empty).

Is there an option / (if not, workaround) for suppressing author and title in the sidebar only?

Thanks in advance, any input is appreciated 🙂

Best Answer


Just taking the solution of boodworks to clean the autor and title of the side bar, before of PaloAlto theme you can add an outher theme as shadow to have these elements at the bottom:

\title{The title}
\author{The Author}

  \setbeamertemplate{sidebar \beamer@sidebarside}%{sidebar theme}
    \advance\beamer@tempdim by -6pt%
      \usebeamercolor{normal text}%
      \llap{\usebeamertemplate***{navigation symbols}\hskip0.1cm}%
\section{Section Test}
\begin{frame}{Frame title}