[Tex/LaTex] Remove punctuation (comma) after year


For American Society of Genetics journal (Genetics), the bibliography format is somewhat strange. It requires no parenthesis or comma after year field.

Beadle, G. B. et al. 2009 Title of the paper. Non-Italic-Name-of-Journal 88: 203-209

I am getting: Beadle, G. B. et al. 2009. Title…. And the journal name is printing in italics.

Can someone help me with getting rid of the period after the 'year' field and removing the italicized Journal font?

Edit1: I am using biblatex with authoryear style and natbib=true.

Best Answer

It might depends on the specific style used, but for standard biblatex authoryear style, one should be able to remove the punctuation after the year with


and to prevent the journal title to be printed in italics, the following should do the trick
