[Tex/LaTex] Remove parenthesis around year from citation with biblatex


I want to remove the parenthesis around the year from a citation using biblatex. Hopefully the code and screenshot of the outputted PDF explains what I'm currently getting and what I need.


\usepackage[style=authoryear-comp, maxcitenames=2, maxbibnames=50]{biblatex}


  title={Using daily ration models and stable isotope analysis to predict biomass depletion by herbivores},
  author={Inger, Richard and Ruxton, Graeme D and Newton, Jason and Colhoun, Kendrew and Mackie, Kerry and Robinson, James A and Bearhop, Stuart},
  journal={Journal of Applied Ecology},
  publisher={Wiley Online Library},


    This line shows how the citations appears in the PDF (e.g. \textcite{IngerEtAl2006using})\\\\

    I want the citation to appear like this: (e.g. Inger et al. 2006).



enter image description here

Best Answer

Use \parencite[e.g.][]{IngerEtAl2006using} instead of \textcite in parentheses.

And don't use \\\\ if you don't want tons of "underfull hbox" messages. Enlarge \parskip if you want more space between paragraphs.

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