[Tex/LaTex] Remove left padding with geometry package


I'm trying to make a checklist for glider flying and I'm unable to tell latex to remove all margins from the page.

This is what my code looks like:

\usepackage[a6paper, margin={0cm,0cm},twocolumn, layouthoffset=0pt]{geometry}



 \textbf{ Pre-Flight } \\
 Remove tail wheel (if removable) \\
 Cap \& Sunglasses \\
 Chute on - straps tight \\
 Check Ballast \\
 Px Briefing / Secure back straps \\
 Secure free objects \\
 Check Instruments \\
 Radio on \\
 Controls (Visual) \\
 Wind \\
 Eventualities (Launch failure) \\

However, this is how it looks:

enter image description here

How do I get rid of the white space on the left side?

Best Answer

Solved. The space was the atomatic indentation at the beginning of the paragraph. I removed it with \setlength{\parindent}{0cm}