[Tex/LaTex] Using the `geometry` package with luatex


According to the geometry package's user manual (2010/09/12 v5.6, section 5.6 'Drivers', p. 11)

The package supports drivers dvips, dvipdfm, pdftex, xetex, and vtex.

Can I use this package with luatex? If so – which driver should I specify? If not – what are the alternatives?

Best Answer

As with graphics and color it is usually best not to specify a driver at all and let the system detect what you are using. Unfortunately however geometry has not been updated to luatex 0.85 and later so you need to use


as the first line of the document to offer a compatibility layer, geometry will then work using the pdftex driver files.

luatex85 is no longer required with geometry 2018/03/24 v5.7