[Tex/LaTex] Remove indent from proof in IEEEtran


I use proof of amsmath package. With IEEEtran by default there is an indent before proof. Is there a way to remove it?

Best Answer

First, I agree with @vonbrand on the advice to adhere to the specific journal rules and not to change settings by yourself; its their responsibility not yours and they will end up editing the whole paper again prior to publication.

But, if you have to, you can use the etoolbox package to patch the relevant command in the .cls file to force it behave the way you want. The relevant line in the class file is this:


and you use it by adding in the preamble the following:


%\def\IEEEproofindentspace{2\parindent} % This is the line to be patched

Of course, you can also use a shorter form without the need for the etoolbox package by redefining the command like this \renewcommand{\IEEEprofindentspace}{0pt}, as suggested by egreg in a comment.