[Tex/LaTex] referencing Subsubsection is not working as intended


I am having an issue with referencing a sub-subsection.


The problem is that SubSubSection (2) is numbered as 1.1.1. LaTeX seems to treat each sub-subsection as independent.

The latex code below generates the following (tested on ShareLaTex online.)


SubSubSection (1) 1.1.1, and SubSubSection (2) 1.1.1





SubSubSection (1) \ref{sub1}, and SubSubSection (2) \ref{sub2}. 
\subsubsection{Sub sub 1} 

\subsubsection{Sub sub 2} 

%\mynotes {fast review needed}

Best Answer

You need to set the secnumdepth counter to at least 3 to get the correct sectioning numbers to be generated:


SubSubSection (1) \ref{sub1}, and SubSubSection (2) \ref{sub2}. 
\subsubsection{Sub sub 1} \label{sub1}
\subsubsection{Sub sub 2} \label{sub2}

See the following question for more explanation on how this works: