[Tex/LaTex] Referencing Subfigure in Subfloat


I want to reference a subfigure like so:



     \subfloat[A subcaption.]{\label{figure:subfigure1}\includegraphics[width=2cm]{logo}}
     \caption{A caption.}

Subfigure \ref{figure:subfigure1}, Figure \ref{figure:figure1}.


However, I am getting a "Reference undefined" warning and the output is:

enter image description here

When I am using


instead of


the output is as expected (references are all found).

What am I doing wrong?


I checked the package versions. Indeed, they are old:

Package: subcaption 2008/08/31 v1.0b 
Package: caption 2009/10/09 v3.1k caption kernel (AR)

Best Answer

First of all \subfloat was indeed defined in very early versions of the subcaption package but this was never a documented feature (and has proven to be a very bad idea anyway since it was not 100% compatible with \subfloat offered by the subfig package). As equivalent the subcaption package offers the (well documented) command \subcaptionbox with a slightly different (and enhanced) syntax and behaviour:



     \subcaptionbox{A subcaption.\label{figure:subfigure1}}{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{logo}}
     \caption{A caption.}

Subfigure \ref{figure:subfigure1}, Figure \ref{figure:figure1}.


(Please note when using \subcaptionbox the \label needs to be placed inside the caption argument, not inside the content argument.)