[Tex/LaTex] floatrow package, subfigures and cross referencing


I think the question has not been posted already.

Here is my problem :

I wanted several subfigures within one. I used "subcaption" package at first, as it's the newest. But it appeared that it's not possible to reposition the subcaption next to the figure (instead of below it). For that, I had to use "floatrow" package, which is incompatible with "subcaption" package.

BUT, when I cross-reference the subfigure in the general figure caption, instead of 'blabla (a)', shows 'blabla 1(a)' (1 being the figure number). I don't want the figure number when I cross ref in the same fig !

Thanks a lot for any help !

\usepackage[english]{babel} % for table, doesn't matter here



  \sidesubfloat[]{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,height = 5cm,keepaspectratio]{bigpicture1}\label{fig:sub_ref_1}}

  \sidesubfloat[]{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,height = 5cm,keepaspectratio]{bigpicture2}\label{fig:sub_ref_2}}
\caption{I want to cross ref. Now I can only obtain that : \ref{fig:sub_ref_1}, and that : \ref{fig:sub_ref_2} }



Compiled :

Best Answer

Solved !

It seems that there is a problem with my TeX distribution and/or OS. Let's see : what worked for me (MacOS 10.8.3, TeXshop 3.11)

% \usepackage{caption}
\usepackage[english]{babel} % for table



  \sidesubfloat[]{ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,height = 5cm,keepaspectratio]{bigpicture1}\label{fig:sub_ref_1} }

  \sidesubfloat[]{ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,height = 5cm,keepaspectratio]{bigpicture1}\label{fig:sub_ref_2} }

  \caption{I want to cross ref. Now I can only obtain that : \protect\subref{fig:sub_ref_1}, and that : \protect\subref{fig:sub_ref_2} }



So I had to

  • write \protect\subref{...} instead of \ref{..}
  • not write \usepackage{caption}

The solution is actually a derivative of another question : Referencing subfigures in main caption (with \subfloat and \subref)
