[Tex/LaTex] References at the end of beamer slides (Endnote export as text file)


I'm having difficulties making a footnote style reference at the end of a beamer slide. In the MWE below, I have used the footcite command, as per References at the end of beamer slides
However, the author of that post himself mentions that this is just a hack and will not work in all cases. In my specific case, I have exported my bibliography from Endnote to LaTeX as a text file (this is why I use bibliography{example.txt}). I cannot convert example.txt to example.bib via a manual file extension conversion for some reason (probably because information is lost during the conversion when it's done by hand by changing .txt to .bib). However, all entries of that text file are as they should be (i.e., all fields are present in the correct LaTeX formatting). What could be the problem?






P.S. I have tried creating my own custom text file with only one entry (as per References at the end of beamer slides):

    Author = {Ferdinand de Saussure},
    Origyear = {1916},
    Publisher = {Payot},
    Title = {Cours de Linguistique G{\'e}n{\'e}rale},
    Year = {1995}}

And changing the footcite command to footcite{Saussure1995}. I have the exact same output produced as with the code block above, so clearly this is not a problem with my text file.

P.P.S. I have tried making a custom .bib file with just one entry with the following MWE below but I still get the same result:






Best Answer

I'm not really sure I have understood what your problem is. However, here is a possible solution using biblatex (and there is no need to change the extension of the bibliography file from txt to bib).






Hello, World\footcite{Labov1972}

Hello, World\footcite{Saussure1995}



This produces the following output:

enter image description here

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