[Tex/LaTex] References at the end of beamer slides


I am preparing presentation with beamer and using pdflatex and bibtex. How can I put references at the end of a frame? What if I use allowframebreaks ?

I do not want all the references put together in one big frame at the end of my presentation, rather I want each reference as footnote on the frame where it has been used.

Note: I am using a custom bibliography style and author-year citation style.


\documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames, 10pt]{beamer}



\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\definecolor{byublue}{RGB}{0 34 85}%added
\definecolor{mydarkgray}{RGB}{64 64 64}%added

\usetheme{Montpellier}%Montpellier originally

\usefonttheme{professionalfonts} % using non standard fonts for beamer
\usefonttheme{serif} % default family is serif



Some text \footcite{titanath2008p165326}
another test \secondcite{titanath2008p165326}

Header\footcite{titanath2008p165326} & header \\ 
1 & 2 \\ 



I am using two external .bib files. One is the main .bib file and the other one is for journal name abbreviation.

Best Answer

If you are using natbib for references, then you can use the bibentry package to create references in footnotes. It should be noted that this is a bit of a hack, and it doesn't really implement a proper footnote reference style, but emulates one. To deal with subsequent citations (as you request in the comments) I've created a second command \secondcite which will place a footnote referencing the correct citation's original footnote number without duplicating the bibliography entry itself. Here's an example:


    Author = {Ferdinand de Saussure},
    Origyear = {1916},
    Publisher = {Payot},
    Title = {Cours de Linguistique G{\'e}n{\'e}rale},
    Year = {1995}}

    Address = {Philadelphia},
    Author = {William Labov},
    Publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press},
    Title = {Sociolinguistic Patterns},
    Year = {1972}}




  \frametitle{Stuff famous linguists asked}
  \begin{block}{A block}
        \item Is it part of \emph{langue} or part of \emph{parole}?\footcite{Saussure1995}
        \item Is it socially stratified?\footcite{Labov1972}
        \item More Saussure\secondcite{Saussure1995}
% The next frame is a duplicate for testing purposes    

  \frametitle{Stuff famous linguists asked}
  \begin{block}{A block}
        \item Is it part of \emph{langue} or part of \emph{parole}?\footcite{Saussure1995}
        \item Is it socially stratified?\footcite{Labov1972}
        \item More Saussure\secondcite{Saussure1995}


output of code

If you want the references to be one big frame, then using [allowframebreaks] is the way to go. I find the standard formatting of references in beamer overly garish, so I subdue everything:

\setbeamercolor*{bibliography entry title}{fg=black}
\setbeamercolor*{bibliography entry author}{fg=black}
\setbeamercolor*{bibliography entry location}{fg=black}
\setbeamercolor*{bibliography entry note}{fg=black}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{}

I also allow for the "(cont.)" to be used on subsequent slides:

\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}[from second]

The references slide itself is simple.

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