Question Marks in References Instead of Quotation Marks – Fixing


I am using BibLaTeX and Babel (catalan) and I get a weird error in the bibliography:the quotation marks are replaced by question marks. If a deactivate Babel everything works.



\usepackage[top=0.79in, bottom=0.79in, left=1.18in, right=0.79in]{geometry}

enter image description here

Without Babel:


\usepackage[top=0.79in, bottom=0.79in, left=1.18in, right=0.79in]{geometry}

enter image description here

Best Answer

The problem comes from csquotes. Either set the quoting style on loading, via


or if this is only a problem in the bibliography itself, issue


just before \printbibliography.

Sample output



  author =   {Author, A. N.},
  title =    {Title},
  journaltitle = {J. J.},
  year =     2000,
  volume =   15,
  number =   1,
  pages =    {4-8}



Note that it would be better style to load babel before both csquotes and biblatex. Both these packages will use the options passed to babel when possible. Unfortunately csquotes doesn't know catalan, yet.

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