[Tex/LaTex] Problems to fit a table into a column of a twocolumn environment


I'm trying to fit a table into one column of a twocolumn environment but everytime I try to fit it in just one column, it disappears. What should I do ?

\usepackage{graphicx, array}
\usepackage[nottoc, notlof, notlot]{tocbibind}

\usepackage[left=2.00cm, right=2.00cm, top=2.20cm, bottom=2.20cm]{geometry}



\begin{tabular}{ |c|c|c|c| }
 \hline \textbf{inf.} & \textbf{part. pass. it.} & \textbf{part. pass. lat.} & \textbf{derivé} \\  
 \hline bere & bevuto & bibitus & bevizione \\  
 \hline cedere & ceduto & cessus & cessione \\   
 \hline convenire & convenuto & conventus & convenzione \\   
 \hline intervenire  & intervenuto & interventus & intervenzione \\   
  \hline possedere & posseduto & possessus & possessione \\   
 \hline perdere & perduto & perditus & perdizione \\   
 \hline precedere & preceduto & praecessus & precessione \\    
 \hline procedere & proceduto & processus & processione \\  
 \hline premere & premuto & pressus & pressione \\   
 \hline ricevere & ricevuto & receptus & ricezione \\   
 \hline riflettere & riflettuto & reflexus & riflessione \\   
 \hline ripetere & ripetuto & repetitus & ripetizione \\  
 \hline ritenere & ripetuto & repetitus & ripetizione \\   
 \hline vendere & venduto & venditus & vendizione \\      
 \hline volere & voluto & -- & volizione \\


Best Answer

read the documentation of the multicol package. here is the relevant item from the "warnings" section:

Floats and marginpars not allowed inside multicols environment!

This message appears if you try to use the \marginpar command or an unstarred version of the figure or table environment. Such floats will disappear!

edit: as pointed out by david carlisle in a comment, it isn't necessary to wrap your table in a float. you can simply input the tabular structure in the location where you want the table to appear in the output.

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