[Tex/LaTex] Fit table into page


I have been trying to create a (simple) table via tablesgenerator with unsatisfying output so far. I would like to create the following table (Table 4. Summary of Selected….) but it wont fit into my page. Either it is too big or it becomes too small when I use \resizebox function or adjustbox. table wanted
I have looked a lot in this forum and tried many options without success so far. enter image description here
The following code plots the table above (Table 3.1). I hope somebody can help me out!
Thanks a lot!


    \caption{My caption}
    \textbf{Model}          & \textbf{Breach morphology}                    & \textbf{Flow}                               & \textbf{Sediment transport capacity}         & \textbf{Geomechanics}                                  & \textbf{Solution method}                         & \textbf{Remarks}                          \\ \midrule
                            & 1D Exner equation                             & 1D St.Venant equations                      & Multiple formulas                            & Longitudinal slope stability                           & Fine difference,uncoupled                        & Overtopping, no lateral erosion           \\
    DEICH\_N1 and DEICH\_N2 & Evolution from 1D/2D Exner quation            & Shallo water equations                      & Nine different formulas availabe             &                                                        & 1D/2D numerical model, uncoupled                 &                                           \\
                            & 2D Exner equation                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Erosion formula from WEPP, USDA              &                                                        & 2D numerical model, uncoupled                    & Validated with Norweigian field tests     \\
                            & Clear-water scour                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Chen and Anderson's formula for erosion rate & 3D slope stability                                     & 2D TVD finite differnce, uncoupled               & Noncohesive dam, overtopping              \\
                            & 2D Exner equation                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Formulas for bed-load and suspended load     & Lateral erosion, vertical erosion, and slope stability & 2D finite volume ( Roe and HLL), uncoupled       & Noncohesive levee, overtopping            \\
                            & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation & 2D shallow water equations                  & Formula for bed-load                         & Lateral erosion,vertical erosion, and slope stability  & 2D finite volume (Roe's Riemann solver), coupled & Noncohesive overtopping                   \\
                            & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation & 2D shallow water equations with wave-action & Soulsby formula                              & Bed avalanching                                        & 2D finite difference, uncoupled                  & Noncohesive dune and barrier, overtopping \\
                            & 1D/2D Nonequilibrium total-load tranport      & Generelized shallow water equations         & Wu etal. total-load capacity formula         & Lateral erosion and slope stability ( repose angle)    & 1D/2D finite volume (HLL) scheme, coupled        & Noncohesive dam and levee, overtopping    \\
                            & 2D nonequilirbium sediment transport          & Generalized shallow water equations         & Modified Meyer-Peter and Müller bed-load     & Slope stability (repose angle)                         & Finite volume (HLLC) scheme, coupled             & Landslide dam, overtopping                \\ \bottomrule


Best Answer

First of all, the data of your table appears huge and putting this into one table might sacrifice readability of your work. It would be a great thing to do if you can shrink the content of the table a bit or redesign the table. Other than that, I've made a bunch of improvements:

  1. I used the sidewaystable environment from the rotating package; this will make more room for the table columns.
  2. I removed the \resizebox{\textwidth}{!} and used tabularx instead.
  3. To avoid too much weird hyphens with full justification, I used \raggedright.
  4. To gain more space, I changed the default tabcolsep from 4pt to 2pt.
  5. Using \sffamily gives also some more space.
  6. Finally, using \small will save some extra space without sacrificing readability.

The above, as I said before, should be your last resort after both shrinking of content and table redesign fail.


    \caption{My caption}
    \textbf{Model}          & \textbf{Breach morphology}                    & \textbf{Flow}                               & \textbf{Sediment transport capacity}         & \textbf{Geomechanics}                                  & \textbf{Solution method}                         & \textbf{Remarks}                          \\ \midrule
                            & 1D Exner equation                             & 1D St.Venant equations                      & Multiple formulas                            & Longitudinal slope stability                           & Fine difference,uncoupled                        & Overtopping, no lateral erosion           \\
    DEICH\_N1 and DEICH\_N2 & Evolution from 1D/2D Exner quation            & Shallo water equations                      & Nine different formulas availabe             &                                                        & 1D/2D numerical model, uncoupled                 &                                           \\
                            & 2D Exner equation                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Erosion formula from WEPP, USDA              &                                                        & 2D numerical model, uncoupled                    & Validated with Norweigian field tests     \\
                            & Clear-water scour                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Chen and Anderson's formula for erosion rate & 3D slope stability                                     & 2D TVD finite differnce, uncoupled               & Noncohesive dam, overtopping              \\
                            & 2D Exner equation                             & 2D shallow water equations                  & Formulas for bed-load and suspended load     & Lateral erosion, vertical erosion, and slope stability & 2D finite volume ( Roe and HLL), uncoupled       & Noncohesive levee, overtopping            \\
                            & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation & 2D shallow water equations                  & Formula for bed-load                         & Lateral erosion,vertical erosion, and slope stability  & 2D finite volume (Roe's Riemann solver), coupled & Noncohesive overtopping                   \\
                            & 2D nonequilibrium sediment transport equation & 2D shallow water equations with wave-action & Soulsby formula                              & Bed avalanching                                        & 2D finite difference, uncoupled                  & Noncohesive dune and barrier, overtopping \\
                            & 1D/2D Nonequilibrium total-load tranport      & Generelized shallow water equations         & Wu etal. total-load capacity formula         & Lateral erosion and slope stability ( repose angle)    & 1D/2D finite volume (HLL) scheme, coupled        & Noncohesive dam and levee, overtopping    \\
                            & 2D nonequilirbium sediment transport          & Generalized shallow water equations         & Modified Meyer-Peter and Müller bed-load     & Slope stability (repose angle)                         & Finite volume (HLLC) scheme, coupled             & Landslide dam, overtopping                \\ \bottomrule


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