[Tex/LaTex] Problem with bibliography creation, LaTeX template for a Wiley journal


I am using a template provided by Wiley for one of their journals which has its own document class and everything else as per requirement. There are two issues I'm facing:

  1. I cannot generate a bibliography using bibtex: The error is incompatible package \cite.

  2. Even after moving files to local texmf directory and refreshing FNDB I get the bibliography style not found error.

I know why the incompatible \cite error occurs and as seen in my code i have not used \usepackage{cite} anywhere. As for the second error, I have already stated that I have moved relevant .sty and .bts files to root and texmf directories.

How can I fix this?!

Here's my document preamble:

\documentclass{prop2015}% no class options needed by now
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=prop]{biblatex}

Best Answer

You have tagged this query with both cite-package and biblatex. Unfortunately for you, the cite and biblatex packages are mutually incompatible.

To use the cite package, you must also (a) provide a suitable \bibliographystyle instruction and (b) run BibTeX. To use the biblatex package, you must (i) not load the cite package, (ii) use biber rather than BibTeX, and (iii) replace the single instruction \bibliography{bibliography.bib} with two instructions: insert \addbibresource{bibliography.bib} in the preamble (after loading the biblatex package), and insert \printbibliography in the document in the location where the formatted bibliography is supposed to be inserted.

I'm not aware of the existence of a ready-made biblatex style called prop. Given your comment that you were "advised to use \bibliographystyle{prop} and \bibliography{<databasefilename>}, [a]nd then to run through bibtex," I will assume that you really do need to use the cite package with BibTeX as the back-end, rather than the biblatex package with the biber back-end.

If the good folks who provide the LaTeX document class file prop2015.cls also provide a bibliography style file called prop.bst, and if the raw bibliographic entries are contained in a file called bibliography.bib, you should thus proceed as follows.

  • First, reorganize your document so that its structure resembles the following layout:

    %%\usepackage[english]{babel} % Don't load packages more than once
    %%\usepackage{amsfonts} % Is loaded automatically by 'amssymb'
    \usepackage{cite} % the package called "cite"
    \usepackage{hyperref} % this package must be loaded _last_
    %% ... various \cite instructions ...
    \bibliography{bibliography} % don't use the ".bib" extension here

    (Aside: Do please make a habit of not trying to load packages more than once.)

  • Second, once the document compiles without syntax errors, be sure to run LaTeX, BibTeX, and LaTeX twice more on the main tex file. Doing so will create (a) the formatted bibliography and (b) the numeric-style citation call-outs to the bib entries in the body of the document.