[Tex/LaTex] Problem using \begin{titlepage}


I want to make a front-page to something I've been writing in LyX but everytime I use \begin{titlepage}\text {This is a sample title}\end{titlepage}, I get in the first page this line only instead of real title:

enter image description here

How can I solve it?

Best Answer

Here is an example LyX file with a title page in Hebrew. (Just copy the following to a file and then open that file in LyX 2.0.x).

#LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 413
\textclass book
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\font_tt_scale 100
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\index_command default
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\suppress_date false
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\index ××× ×קס
\shortcut idx
\color #008000
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\paragraph_indentation default
\quotes_language polish
\papercolumns 1
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\begin_layout Title
×ר×××× ××××× ×- 
\lang english

\begin_layout Section*
××× × ×§×××ת ש×ש×× ××עת ×¢× ×©×××ש ×- 
\lang english

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Note Note
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\lang english
\lang hebrew
 ××××¢ ×¢× ×ס××× ×ª××¢×× ××¢××¨× ×צ×××× ×× 
\lang english
\lang hebrew
 ×××××¥ ××שת×ש ×××.
 ×××× ××ת××× ×קר××ת ×ק×××¥ 
\family sans
\begin_inset Formula $\vartriangleleft$

\family default
, ×××××× ×ק××× ×§×¦×¨× ×ת××¢××.
 ×××ר ×××, × ××ª× ×××ש×× ×קר××ת 
\family sans
\begin_inset Formula $\vartriangleleft$

\begin_inset space ~

\family default
 ×¢× ×נת ××××× ××× ××שת×ש ×- 
\lang english
\lang hebrew


And here is the resulting PDF on my system:

page 1:

page 1

page 2:

page 2

Finally, here is the LaTeX that is produced from that .lyx file:

%% LyX 2.0.7dev created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.



\title{áøåëéí äáàéí ì- \inputencoding{latin9}\L{\LyX{}}}


\section*{ëîä ð÷åãåú ùçùåá ìãòú òì ùéîåù á- \L{\protect\LyX{}}}

\inputencoding{latin9}\L{\LyX{}}\inputencoding{cp1255} îâéò òí îñîëé
úéòåã åòæøä îöåééðéí \inputencoding{latin9}\L{\textemdash{}}\inputencoding{cp1255}
îåîìõ ìäùúîù áäí. ëãàé ìäúçéì á÷øéàú ä÷åáõ \textsf{òæøä\L{$\vartriangleleft$}îáåà},
äîäååä ä÷ãîä ÷öøä ìúéòåã. ìàçø îëï, ðéúï ìäîùéê á÷øéàú \textsf{òæøä\L{$\vartriangleleft$}äùéòåø~äîåãøê}
òì îðú ììîåã àéê ìäùúîù á- \inputencoding{latin9}\L{\LyX{}}\inputencoding{cp1255}.