[Tex/LaTex] Potentiometer anchor points in Circuitikz


I need to create a potentiometer with a tap point, as shown as the (american) potentiometer on page 9 of the Circuitikz manual. Is the tap an accessible anchor point to connect other parts of the circuit to (in a similar way to opamp.+, opamp._ points)? If not, is the only way to create a tap to draw an ordinary resistor and manually add a tap?

Best Answer

Yes, name the potentiometer (using the n key) and use the wiper anchor; for example:


\begin{circuitikz} \draw
  (0,0) to[american potentiometer,n=mypot] ++(2,0)
  (mypot.wiper) to[short,-o] ++(2,0)

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