TikZ-PGF – Position of Axis Multiplier and Other Settings


I have a question concerning the appearance of the multiplier above axis if scaled ticks = true is used.

I like to have two curves in one plot. The example shows my problem. I like to have scaled ticks above right axis but it appears above the left axis. Does anybody know how to fix it?

When I created this small example a second question occurs. Try to write
axis y line*=right instead of axis y line=right. The label "y pos-right" moves to the left side an top of the "y pos-left". Any explanations for that and how to fix it?



axis y line*=left,
ylabel = y pos-left

\addplot[red] coordinates
{(-3,0) (-2,0.1) (-1,-0.6)
(1,-0.6) (2,0.1) (3,0)};


axis y line=right,
scaled ticks = true,
xlabel = x pos-right,
ylabel = y pos

\addplot[blue] coordinates {(-3,-12000) (-2,11000)
(-1,-6000) (0,1000) (1,-100) (2,50) (3,0)};



Thanks in advance

Best Answer

By default, the scale label position is hard-coded to the upper left corner of the plot. If you set the option ylabel near ticks, however, this is corrected. It also fixes the incorrect placement of the y label when using axis y line*=right.



axis y line*=left,
ylabel = y pos-left

\addplot[red] coordinates
{(-3,0) (-2,0.1) (-1,-0.6)
(1,-0.6) (2,0.1) (3,0)};


axis y line*=right,
scaled  ticks = true,
ylabel near ticks,
xlabel = x pos-right,
ylabel = y pos

\addplot[blue] coordinates {(-3,-12000) (-2,11000)
(-1,-6000) (0,1000) (1,-100) (2,50) (3,0)};

