[Tex/LaTex] Polar pgfplots radial axis tick labels


I want to overlay Cartesian axes on a polar plot. The vertical axis sits on top of the polar radial (horizontal) tick label. How can I move the tick label(s) so they are below the horizontal axis or otherwise out of the way?

Notice "t" axis overlaying "0"


  \begin{polaraxis}[axis on top, xticklabel=$\pgfmathprintnumber{\tick}^\circ$]
    \coordinate (origin) at (axis cs:0,0);
  \draw[thick,blue,-stealth] (origin) -- +(0,1) node [above right] {$t$};
  \draw[thick,blue,-stealth] (origin) -- +(1,0) node [midway, above] {$s$};

Best Answer

You can change the alignment of the tick marks by setting ytick align=outside, and adjust the position of the tick labels by setting yticklabel style={ anchor=north, yshift=-2*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/major tick length} }:


    axis on top,
    ytick align=outside,
    yticklabel style={
        yshift=-2*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/major tick length}
    \coordinate (origin) at (axis cs:0,0);
  \draw[thick,blue,-stealth] (origin) -- +(0,1) node [above right] {$t$};
  \draw[thick,blue,-stealth] (origin) -- +(1,0) node [midway, above] {$s$};