[Tex/LaTex] Plot function with discontinuity


I apologize if this question is similar to this one Plot non-continuous function with TikZ. In fact, in order to plot the following function between $-5$ and $+5$, by highlighting the $ (0, -2) $, $ ($ 1.1) and $ (2.1) $ discontinuity points:

x &     if \ x\in]-\infty,0[,  \\
x-2&   if \ x\in[0,1[, \\
1&       if \ x\in[1,2],  \\
\dfrac{1}{x-2}&  if \ x\in]2,+\infty[.

I mimic this code. Unfortunately, I get an error.

NOTE: coordinate (1Y2.0e0],4Y0.0e0]) has been dropped because it is unbounded (
in y). (see also unbounded coords=jump). 
LaTeX Font Info:    External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)              <7> on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:    External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font)              <5> on input line 22.

! Package tikz Error: Giving up on this path. Did you forget a semicolon?.

See the tikz package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.22 \end{axis}

I wonder if it is possible de draw the graph of this function by using the TiKz package.

\pgfplotsset{soldot/.style={color=blue,only marks,mark=*}} \pgfplotsset{holdot/.style={color=blue,fill=white,only marks,mark=*}}
\addplot[domain=-5:0,blue] {x};
\addplot[domain=0:1,blue] {x-2};
\addplot[domain=1:2,blue] {1};
\addplot[domain=2:5, blue]{1/(x-2)}
\draw[dotted] (axis cs:4,16) -- (axis cs:4,4);
\draw[dotted] (axis cs:6,6) -- (axis cs:6,-5);
\addplot[holdot] coordinates{(0,0)(-1,-1)(6,-5)};
\addplot[soldot] coordinates{(0,-2)(1,1)(1,2)};


Thank for reading.

Any help is welcome!

Best Answer

So, the error were two: you missed a semicolon and you got the \dfrac command wrong, and the same line missed a ;

Apart from the ; the \dfrac command is a math mode command which tells to LaTeX to typeset a fraction, like it was in display mode even if it's inline.

Here you don't want to typeset a fraction, but to specify a function value, so no typesetting command are required

So it would become: \addplot[domain=2:5, blue]{1/(x-2)}; as suggested by @Daleif.

Also to write your curve you should be able to understand the command usages. I will try and summarize them, just in case:

  • addplot simply tells tikz to draw the specific instruction. The domain parameter specifies the domain of the specific (part) of the plot, and it receives the function to draw. When used in the bottom two instructions, it tells to add to draw the object soldot and holdot at the specific coordinates
  • soldot and holdot are defined to represent solid and hollow dots respectively.
  • The other \draw commands connect the discontinuity points to one another.

If you understand that, to draw your plot is simply a matter of adjusting the parameters:

\pgfplotsset{soldot/.style={color=blue,only marks,mark=*}} \pgfplotsset{holdot/.style={color=blue,fill=white,only marks,mark=*}}
\addplot[domain=-5:0,blue] {x};
\addplot[domain=0:1,blue] {x-2};
\addplot[domain=1:2,blue] {1};
\addplot[domain=2:5, blue]{1/(x-2)};
\draw[dotted] (axis cs:0,0) -- (axis cs:0,-2);
\draw[dotted] (axis cs:1,-1) -- (axis cs:1,1);
\addplot[holdot] coordinates{(0,0)(1,-1)};
\addplot[soldot] coordinates{(0,-2)(1,1)(2,1)};


With result:

enter image description here