[Tex/LaTex] Placing image in second column of two column page


I would like to use a two column layout and have images and text in the second column begin at the top of the page and continue down with even spacing. I've tried using the multicol package as well, but no luck. LaTeX is spacing it so that the images are evenly distributed on the second page.


\lhead{\bfseries Name:    \\  Date: }

\rhead{\bfseries 6th Grade Math  \\   }
\caption{1) Find the area.}

\caption{2) Find the area.}


The results are shown here:

enter image description here

Basically, I would like problem #8 shown in in the screenshot to be at the top of the second column, and any problems after #8 to be shown with even spacing below it.

Best Answer

You're overcomplicating things. You don't need floats (figure) and \caption. Adjust the definition of \problem to suit.

Note that I didn't load graphicx because I don't have your images. Load it and, of course, remove the bogus definition of \includegraphics I added just for the example.



\fancyhead[L]{\bfseries Name:    \\  Date: }
\fancyhead[R]{\bfseries 6th Grade Math  \\   }



%%% just for this example


\problem{1) Find the area.}

\problem{2) Find the area.}

\problem{3) Find the area.}

\problem{4) Find the area.}

\problem{5) Find the area.}

\problem{6) Find the area.}

\problem{7) Find the area.}

\problem{8) Find the area.}

\problem{9) Find the area.}


enter image description here