[Tex/LaTex] pgfplotstableread + addplot table: scale column for re-use


I get output files from a code and I want to display the output file with pgfplots. I want to create several different plots with the same files. Therefore, I read them in a macro with pgfplotstable.

I know that the first column contains the x-axis values in seconds. For the plots I want to change the x-axis unit to milliseconds for each and every plot. Currently, I am doing this by multiplying the x-axis value by a thousand for every addplot by x expr=\thisrowno{0}*1000. In my opinion this wastes memory and compile time.

Is it possible to scale the first column values already in the pgfplotstableread?

In this thread I found columns/0/.style={preproc/expr={##1*1000}} for pgfplotstabletypeset but I could not find a similar command to permanently modifiy the values inside \chartdata. I also had a look at write to macro for pgfplotstablesetbut could not make it work.



time               value_1            value_2            value_3
s                  some_unit          some_unit          some_unit
0.                 0.                 0.                 0.         
100.E-09            27.541E-06        580.194E-09         19.8912E-06 
200.E-09            55.082E-06          1.18929E-06       40.2063E-06 
350.E-09            96.3935E-06         2.15546E-06       70.5431E-06 
575.E-09           158.361E-06          3.67572E-06      116.044E-06  
87.4788E-06        24.0925E-03       634.302E-06         17.6932E-03 
652.755E-06        179.775E-03          4.74164E-03      131.941E-03  
750.568E-06        206.714E-03         12.7344E-03       152.076E-03  
760.034E-06        209.321E-03         20.4248E-03       154.317E-03  
760.941E-06        209.571E-03         20.4985E-03       154.679E-03  

  skip first n=6, % 2+4 for filecontents header


    cycle list name=color list,
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x expr=\thisrowno{0}*1000,
      y expr=\thisrowno{1},
    \addlegendentry{Value 1}
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x expr=\thisrowno{0}*1000,
      y expr=\thisrowno{2},
    \addlegendentry{Value 2}
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x expr=\thisrowno{0}*1000,
      y expr=\thisrowno{3},
    \addlegendentry{Value 3}


Best Answer

You can create a new column

  [create col/expr={\thisrowno{0}*1000}]
  {time in ms}% column name

and use it with x=time in ms in the plots.



time               value_1            value_2            value_3
s                  some_unit          some_unit          some_unit
0.                 0.                 0.                 0.         
100.E-09            27.541E-06        580.194E-09         19.8912E-06 
200.E-09            55.082E-06          1.18929E-06       40.2063E-06 
350.E-09            96.3935E-06         2.15546E-06       70.5431E-06 
575.E-09           158.361E-06          3.67572E-06      116.044E-06  
87.4788E-06        24.0925E-03       634.302E-06         17.6932E-03 
652.755E-06        179.775E-03          4.74164E-03      131.941E-03  
750.568E-06        206.714E-03         12.7344E-03       152.076E-03  
760.034E-06        209.321E-03         20.4248E-03       154.317E-03  
760.941E-06        209.571E-03         20.4985E-03       154.679E-03  

  skip first n=6, % 2+4 for filecontents header

  [create col/expr={\thisrowno{0}*1000}]
  {time in ms}% column name

    cycle list name=color list,
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x=time in ms,
      y index=1,
    \addlegendentry{Value 1}
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x=time in ms,
      y index=2,
    \addlegendentry{Value 2}
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x=time in ms,
      y index=3,
    \addlegendentry{Value 3}

enter image description here

Another possibility is modifying the first column



time               value_1            value_2            value_3
s                  some_unit          some_unit          some_unit
0.                 0.                 0.                 0.         
100.E-09            27.541E-06        580.194E-09         19.8912E-06 
200.E-09            55.082E-06          1.18929E-06       40.2063E-06 
350.E-09            96.3935E-06         2.15546E-06       70.5431E-06 
575.E-09           158.361E-06          3.67572E-06      116.044E-06  
87.4788E-06        24.0925E-03       634.302E-06         17.6932E-03 
652.755E-06        179.775E-03          4.74164E-03      131.941E-03  
750.568E-06        206.714E-03         12.7344E-03       152.076E-03  
760.034E-06        209.321E-03         20.4248E-03       154.317E-03  
760.941E-06        209.571E-03         20.4985E-03       154.679E-03  

  skip first n=6, % 2+4 for filecontents header


    cycle list name=color list,
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x index=0,
      y index=1,
    \addlegendentry{Value 1}
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x index=0,
      y index=2,
    \addlegendentry{Value 2}
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x index=0,
      y index=3,
    \addlegendentry{Value 3}

enter image description here

A third possibility is scaling only the xtick labels using

scaled x ticks=false,

as options for the axis environment.



time               value_1            value_2            value_3
s                  some_unit          some_unit          some_unit
0.                 0.                 0.                 0.         
100.E-09            27.541E-06        580.194E-09         19.8912E-06 
200.E-09            55.082E-06          1.18929E-06       40.2063E-06 
350.E-09            96.3935E-06         2.15546E-06       70.5431E-06 
575.E-09           158.361E-06          3.67572E-06      116.044E-06  
87.4788E-06        24.0925E-03       634.302E-06         17.6932E-03 
652.755E-06        179.775E-03          4.74164E-03      131.941E-03  
750.568E-06        206.714E-03         12.7344E-03       152.076E-03  
760.034E-06        209.321E-03         20.4248E-03       154.317E-03  
760.941E-06        209.571E-03         20.4985E-03       154.679E-03  

  skip first n=6, % 2+4 for filecontents header

    cycle list name=color list,
    scaled x ticks=false,
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x index=0,
      y index=1,
    \addlegendentry{Value 1}
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x index=0,
      y index=2,
    \addlegendentry{Value 2}
      % currenty no options
    ] table [
      x index=0,
      y index=3,
    \addlegendentry{Value 3}

Edit by krtek:

For values larger >16383.9998, e.g. for the y-axis use fpu engine:

scaled y ticks=false,