[Tex/LaTex] \pgfplotsset{compat=1.13} vs \pgfplotsset{compat=1.15}


Using TexShop 3.92 on mac OS X El Capitan V 10.11.6

1.13 works but not 1.15?
Error: Choice '1.15' unknown in choice key 'p

What to do?


 \begin{axis}[scaled ticks=false,]
    \addplot coordinates {
        (60000,0.0020)    };

Best Answer

The compat number refers to version numbers for the pgfplots package. By setting the compat you tell pgfplots to use settings/features from that specific version.

If 1.15 doesn't work, that means you don't have version 1.15 of pgfplots installed. The compat setting can not look into the future.

Just use 1.13, or possibly try 1.14.

If you want to update pgfplots, you might be able to use the TeX Live Utility to do that, see How do I update my TeX distribution?, assuming you're using MacTeX.