[Tex/LaTex] pgfplots legend order

bar chartnodes-near-coordspgfplots

The following code draws a bar chart with number labels. I want the entries in the legend to be the other way around i.e. for there to be a gray box at the top with the label "two", and a white box below with the label "one". How can I do that? I could well be missing something obvious. EDIT: read on for a version using pgfplots 1.14

    ybar stacked,
    symbolic x coords={A,B,C},
    xticklabel style={align=center},
    nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber\pgfplotspointmeta},
    nodes near coords align={vertical},
    nodes near coords align={anchor=north},%Move values in bar
    totals/.style={nodes near coords align={anchor=south}},
  \addplot [fill=white] coordinates {
 \addplot [fill=lightgray,point meta=explicit] coordinates {
  \addplot[totals] coordinates {

enter image description here

EDIT: for anyone who comes along later, the following code gets almost the same layout as my original post, but is compatible with version 1.14 of pgfplots (see tex.stackexchange.com/a/162389/95441). I've included the reverse legend suggestion from Jake, which solves my original problem.

    show sum on top/.style={
          /pgfplots/scatter/@post marker code/.append code={%
                  at={(normalized axis cs:%
                          \pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/x},%
                          \pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/y})%
              {\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/y}}};
    reverse legend,
    ybar stacked,
    symbolic x coords={A,B,C},
    xticklabel style={align=center},
    nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber\pgfplotspointmeta},
   \addplot [fill=white] coordinates {
   \addplot [fill=lightgray,show sum on top] coordinates {

enter image description here

Best Answer

Set reverse legend in the axis options, and add forget plot to those \addplot commands you don't want to appear in the legend. Also, you only need either the two \addlegendentry commands, or the \legend command, but not both.

    ybar stacked,
    reverse legend,
    symbolic x coords={A,B,C},
    xticklabel style={align=center},
    nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber\pgfplotspointmeta},
    nodes near coords align={vertical},
    nodes near coords align={anchor=north},%Move values in bar
    totals/.style={nodes near coords align={anchor=south}},
  \addplot [fill=white] coordinates {
 \addplot [fill=lightgray,point meta=explicit] coordinates {
  \addplot[totals, forget plot] coordinates {
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