[Tex/LaTex] pgfplot – remove “top-border-line” and spacing between x-axis and bars


I am currently trying to create a bar chart using pgfplots.

My objective is to create a bar chart in which the bars are directly "sitting on top" of the x-axis AND there should be no "top-border-line" that limits my figure.

Currently, my code looks like this:

     width  = 12cm,
     hide y axis,
     height = 8cm,
     bar width=20pt,
     symbolic x coords={2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015},
     nodes near coords,
     \addplot[ybar, fill=black] coordinates {

Thank you very much for your support! 🙂

Best Answer


     axis x line*=bottom,

to the axis options:

     width  = 12cm,
     hide y axis,
     axis x line*=bottom,
     height = 8cm,
     bar width=20pt,
     symbolic x coords={2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015},
     nodes near coords,
     \addplot[ybar, fill=black] coordinates {

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