[Tex/LaTex] parbox vertical alignment

boxesvertical alignment

The following code uses parboxes and hrules to vertically align two rectangles of different heights. The hrule seem a bit hackish to me. Is there a more elegant solution?

\parbox[t]{2cm}{\hrule height 0pt width 0pt \rule{1cm}{1cm}} 
\parbox[t]{2cm}{\hrule height 0pt width 0pt \rule{1cm}{3cm}}

My apologies. I tried to simplify the problem and only obfuscated it. The real problem is vertical alignment of two figures, each created in separate Tikz environments. I would like the y's to be at the same height, but I'd like to accomplish this outside of tikz.


\draw (0,0)--(0,1) node[above]{$y$};  

\draw (0,0)--(0,3) node[above]{$y$};


Best Answer

enter image description here



or simpler

