[Tex/LaTex] Absolute vertical positioning of parbox

boxesvertical alignment

I create signature area like

    %some content here
    \begin{center}\parbox[t]{5cm}{\hrule height 1pt\medskip \textbf{John Doe}\\\textit{Director of something}}\end{center}

which will look like

enter image description here

I want it to be always at the same vertical position and horinzontally centered – no matter how high the content above it will be.

Do you have any idea how that can be realized?

Best Answer

An alternative is use Tikz with current page node. You may change the shift coordinates to the place you want.enter image description here


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [anchor=north, shift={(5cm,5cm)}]  at (current page.south west) {%
\parbox[t]{5cm}{\hrule height 1pt\medskip \textbf{John Doe}\\
\textit{Director of something}}