[Tex/LaTex] Parametrize shading in table through TikZ


I wanted to do some shading in a table according to its values. For example, if you see the table below:

  a  b   c   d 
a 90 10  0   0
b 0  80  10  10
c 0  0   95  5
d 0  10  5   85

I want to shade automatically each numeric cell with a mixture of black and white according to its value. That is, (a,a) = 90 should be something like black!90, and (c,d) = 5 should be black!5. Also, if you can parametrized the shading operation so one can define the color and if we use the value or the complement that would be great.

I was thinking in something like Drawing different tikz shapes parameterized by data from a file, but I cannot see how can one achieve that in a table.

Can you give me some advice on how to achieve such automatic styling?

Best Answer

You could use pgfplotstable and the xcolor package with the [table] option, which gives you the \cellcolor command.

Here's a new style for \pgfplotstabletypeset that colors the cell a different shade of gray according to the cell value, and prints the value in white if the background is more than 50% black.

The command

\pgfplotstabletypeset[color cells]{
 x,a,b,c,d      % The first column needs a name

will then give you (shown here with a caption)


    color cells/.style={
        col sep=comma,
        string type,
        postproc cell content/.code={%
                \pgfkeysalso{@cell content=\rule{0cm}{2.4ex}\cellcolor{black!##1}\pgfmathtruncatemacro\number{##1}\ifnum\number>50\color{white}\fi##1}%
            column name={},
            postproc cell content/.code={}

\begin{table}\caption{Correlation or something}
\pgfplotstabletypeset[color cells]{
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