Define table cell color depending on cell text value imported from the CSV file


I am trying to color table cell depending on the text value imported from the CSV file. The CSV file has three possible text values that are "High", "Intermediate" and "Low". I am trying to color table cell Red if "High" is in cell or yellow if "Intermediate" is in cell or green if "Low" is in a cell.



My MWE is below:


\usepackage[a4paper,left=1.9cm,right=1.9cm,top=2cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry}%set margin of page
\usepackage{color, colortbl}%enable color use in table cell

\newcolumntype{P}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1}}%this will align cell content of table to center via using 'P'


\begin{tabular}{| P{3.5cm} | } \rowcolor{cyan!60!black}
    \bfseries \rule{0pt}{1pt} \color{white}SIGN% specify table head and its font color
    \csvreader[head to column names, late after last line =\\\hline]{./Test1.csv}{}% use head of csv as column names
    {\\\hline\csvcoli}% specify your coloumns here

enter image description here

Here I want the cell color to be red. Similarly, if the cell text value is "Intermediate" the cell color should be yellow, and so on.

This is a similar question Tables: Cell Color based on content / conditional cell coloring at some extent and tried to implement it but did not succeed.

Is there any other way I can achieve this?

Best Answer

Probably \colorlet is your friend. ;-)



\usepackage[a4paper,left=1.9cm,right=1.9cm,top=2cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry}%set margin of page
\usepackage{color, colortbl}%enable color use in table cell

\newcolumntype{P}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1}}%this will align cell content of table to center via using 'P'



\begin{tabular}{| P{3.5cm} | } \rowcolor{cyan!60!black}
    \bfseries \rule{0pt}{1pt} \color{white}SIGN% specify table head and its font color
    \csvreader[head to column names, late after last line =\\\hline]{./Test1.csv}{}% use head of csv as column names
    {\\\hline\expandafter\cellcolor\expandafter{\romannumeral`\^^@\csvcoli}\csvcoli}% specify your coloumns here

enter image description here

If you need more sophisticated mapping from phrase to color, you can do with delimited arguments:


% \mycolormapping{<Tokens>}{< that expands to one of the phrases High/Intermediate/Low>}
% -> <Tokens>{red}
% or <Tokens>{yellow}
% or <Tokens>{green}
% or <nothing>
  % Expand #2 until encountering a non-expandable token.
  % (If that non-expandable token is a space-token it will be discarded.)
  % Then call the mapping-routine.
  % Check whether #2 does contain "!". If so it is not one of the phrases
  % High/Intermediate/Low but it could be a phrase which erroneously
  % matches up delimiters due to containing (parts of) the delimiter "!High!Intermediate!Low!".
  % If not so, apply the macro \mycolormappingfork which via delimited arguments
  % cranks out the right cases.
  % Let \mycolormappingfork grab the argument #2 behind a 
  % delimiter "!High!Intermediate!Low!". Stuff before that
  % delimiter is removed as unused #1. Stuff behind the
  % second argument is removed as unused `!!!!`-delimited
  % argument #3. The delimiter in turn is completed by
  % \@mycolormapping's second argument. Depending on which
  % of the sequences "!#2!Intermediate!Low!", 
  % "!High!#2!Low!", "!High!Intermediate!#2!",
  % "!High!Intermediate!Low!" matches the delimiter you can
  % crank out which of the phrases `High`, `Intermediate`
  % or `Low` was provided via \@mycolormapping's #2. The
  % last one, "!High!Intermediate!Low!", is for the case
  % that \@mycolormapping's  #2 formed neither of these
  % phrases.


\usepackage[a4paper,left=1.9cm,right=1.9cm,top=2cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry}%set margin of page
\usepackage{color, colortbl}%enable color use in table cell

\newcolumntype{P}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1}}%this will align cell content of table to center via using 'P'



\begin{tabular}{| P{3.5cm} | } \rowcolor{cyan!60!black}
    \bfseries \rule{0pt}{1pt} \color{white}SIGN% specify table head and its font color
    \csvreader[head to column names, late after last line =\\\hline]{./Test1.csv}{}% use head of csv as column names
    {\\\hline\mycolormapping{\cellcolor}{\csvcoli}\csvcoli}% specify your coloumns here

enter image description here

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