[Tex/LaTex] palatino-Bold, palatino-Roman, palatino-Italic belongs to which package


palatino-Bold, palatino-Roman, palatino-Italic belongs to which package? The palatino and mathpazo are not well enouugh for me, is there anyone who can help me?

Best Answer

There are a couple of packages which provide Palatino (or very similar):

  • tgpagella provides TeX Gyre Pagella – an improved version of URW Palladio.
  • mathpazo provides URW Palladio – a Palatino clone.
  • pxfonts also provides URW Palladio, but slightly diffent.

A quick comparison:

tgpagella mathpazo pxfonts

(images courtesy of The LaTeX Font Catalogue)

You can also use the Palatino font installed on your computer with fontspec:

The quick brown fox jumps over the sleazy dog
